Hey Friends,
What a week LZ7 & Saintz have had on the Illuminate Peterborough tour! 6 Schools in 5 days, sharing the life changing message of Jesus. Two stories come to mind that have jumped out to us and we hope these encourage you too. "At the end of one of the school days a young girl approached us with a teacher physically shaking and had her blazer draped over her arms to hide where she had been hurting herself. She was so moved by the lesson that she wanted to thank us for bringing the words of hope, life and inspiration to her in her lesson. She then turned up to the gig on the Friday night and responded to the gospel. We then saw her the following week at the Youth Alpha launch that we invited every young person that responded to Jesus to come along to. There were 800 in the room on the Friday night and hundreds turned up to the Youth Alpha the following Friday that Lindz took with the local Church. God is physically and spiritually saving and transforming lives!" "On the first day we went to a local supermarket to do a food shop for the week. A mum called across the aisle and said, 'are you Lindz from that band LZ7?' Lindz sheepishly responded, 'yes'. She went on to tell us about how the previous tour had impacted her son so much. She wasn't sure that she would be able to afford the tickets for the Friday night. Lindz put her on the guest list and invited her to come to the 'parents’ area' that we set up at every illuminate tour. That Friday they were both there. Her son was in the mosh pit giving his life to Jesus, and she was in the parents area giving her life to Jesus as well. They both came back to the Alpha follow-up launched the following week."
God is saving families/generations and it's such an honour to be a part of it! |
Every ILLUMINATE tour sees us in front of 5,000 young people across a schools week, this costs on average £3 per young person. That's 1000 young people each day who are hearing a message of hope. We are seeing huge numbers turning their back on self-harm, bullying, suicide, realising they have purpose and a reason to be here, giving their life to Jesus.
Can you help fund our ILLUMINATE schools tour in more towns and cities across the UK?
Could this be a moment in time where we see a tipping point in our nation's young people finding Jesus?
Please prayerfully consider standing with us financially. You can CLICK here to give: |
Please continue to pray for us and every young person who has responded to the gospel so far this year. Please also pray for the local Church supporting them in their new relationship with Jesus.
HUGE LOVE,Lindz & the LIGHT team |